Showing posts with label Chicken tenders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicken tenders. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Chicken Tenders With Roasted Vegetables, Garlic And Rice!

A beautiful dish, that's full of flavor and the sauce is already done for you!

The recipe for ?

Simply peel some beets, carrots and onions, then quarter them and throw them in a covered roasting pan with some garlic, fresh lemon thyme, butter olive oil, white wine, salt and pepper and a pinch of chili flakes.  Roast in the oven set at 350* for about an hour and a half.

When the vegetables are about done, start the rice, and use chicken or vegetable stock for the liquid instead of just water.

When the rice is about done, heat up a large saute pan over medium high heat.  Add a little olive oil and cook the seasoned chicken tenders until they're brown on both sides.

Serve on warm plates. . .

Bon Appetit!  Chef Hobbes