So this year I'm ready for them! Please don't be afraid of celeriac, not to be confused with celery root, although I think it's in the same family of vegetables.
Recipe for two:
1 red onion, chopped
1 celeriac, tops removed, peeled and cubed, save the tops for making stock
6 chard stems, finely chopped
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
chard greens, chopped
1 t paprika
salt and pepper
2 T olive oil
1/2 T butter
Put some oil and butter in a heavy saute pan, and place over medium high heat. When the oils hot and the butter has melted, add the onion and celeriac. Cook until they are nice and soft, then add the garlic.
Stir the mixture and cook until the is cooked, about 30 seconds. Then add the salt, pepper and paprika. Stir and cook for another 30 seconds, then lower the heat to low, add the greens and cook a little more to wilt.
Serve onto warm plates, with your favorite protein, we had it with salmon and a sauce made from stock and butter!
Bon Appetit! Chef Hobbes