Saturday, January 26, 2013

Beets and Rice!

I always like to think of ways to use up leftover food such as rice.  Being a step-father, and helping to raise two picky teenage girls, can be expensive and a bit of a challenge sometimes.  So making good use of leftovers is important.

This stuff is wonderful, sweet and full of flavor and color!

I made this dish with salmon, and a white wine butter sauce, but it would be good with anything.

Simply cook the beets until soft, around 45 minutes.  Peel and cut them up into smallish pieces.

Using a heavy saute pan, put in a little olive oil and butter.  When hot add some chopped onion, celery and garlic.  Cook until soft over medium heat.  When done add the beets and leftover rice, season with salt and pepper.

Cook until warm, adding more butter and olive oil if needed.  Garnish with some chopped flat leaf Italian parsley.

Bon Appetit!  Chef Hobbes

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