OK, this pasta has anchovies in it! You won't taste them, honest! Anchovies are a Chef's ace in the hole. They use them in stews, pot roasts and then some, to build flavors, and you don't even know it! So don't not put the anchovies in. . . Deb's kids love this dish, and now they know what's in it!
Recipe for four:
1 - 16 oz packet of good quality organic pasta
1/2 yellow onion finely chopped
2 t garlic finely chopped
2 egg yolks
1 - 2 oz can of anchovy fillets, finely chopped and smeared*
1 c parsley chopped
Zest and juice of one lemon
1 big pinch of chili flakes
1 t paprika
Salt and pepper
3 T olive oil
I'm not going to assume that you know how to cook the best pasta, so here's how! Pasta needs lots of room to cook and release it's starch, so use the biggest pot you have and completely fill it with water and a few three-finger pinches of sea salt. Bring the water to a solid rolling boil. Then add the pasta, and stir it for a bit with some steel tongs.
While the pasta is cooking, place a large saute pan on the stove over high heat and add the oil. When the oil is hot add the onions, anchovy and garlic, shaking the pan, and cook until soft but don't brown it. When they're done add the chili flakes, lemon juice and a little pepper and the paprika, and stir. Cook for only about a minute. Just before the pasta is done, take a ladle of the hot water and add it to the two egg yolks in a seperate bowl and whisk. Drain the pasta, and return it to the pot it was cooked in, and then add the egg and the other mixture and stir...
*Tip: once the anchovies are chopped finely, place in a bowl and with the back of a spoon smear them into a paste!
Serve on warm plates with a little extra virgin olive oil.
Bon Appetit! Chef Hobbes